Out of the corner of my eye..
I see a huge black raven with two small birds following right behind heading straight into the tree line.
The words ‘God is driving out the enemy’ came to my mind followed by ‘Thank you, Lord.’
I had been sensing the enemy could be near but was feeling so close to God the last couple of days that it quickly left my mind.
Then I thought wow, that’s kind of cool, it’s not often I see small birds flying with a large bird like that, especially so close behind.
Then I became suspicious.
Why were these two tiny birds with that thing?
If you’ve never seen a raven, these birds look almost identical to crows, but bigger.
It was odd to me that I happened to even see it considering how quick they were. I captured the last two seconds of them before they went into the wood line.
I didn’t know that small birds, in groups of two or more, drive potential predators away from their nests, young or breeding territories.
‘Write about this.’
Those are the words I heard as I sit back journaling about what I saw that day. On the day I saw the birds, the enemy presented himself. He did what he had to, at the right time, to toss things together in a way that so seemingly was one after the other. To distract me from God, and come at me with tormenting thoughts about what circumstances he just threw at me.
It was a test, and I didn’t quite pass with an ‘A.’
You see, God will continually allow the enemy to test us, to see where we still allow an unlocked door of insecurity to be opened by the evil doer himself. God is showing us where work needs to be done.
Why do we allow this to happen?
Why do we so easily fall into the temptation of negativity so often?
Negative thoughts lead to more negative thoughts. And who is behind this is none other than the enemy and his army of slaves.
When you allow Satan in, that’s where he will stay.
I allowed him this day. I let one single sentence turn into a negative attitude. The tormenting thoughts began to flow and the distractions came. The enemy can be subtle and forceful. His trickery won this time, but not for long. God allowed me the wisdom to see just what the enemy is so good at and how easy it can happen at any time.
God’s Word for me today was,
Be Cautious. Stay close with me always.
Challenging every thought to God, taking it captive to make it obedient to Christ, as Apostle Paul spoke of in 2 Corinthians 10:5, can be difficult, and something we need to re-wire our brainwashed societal brains to do. We can’t be so welcoming to every thought the enemy pushes on us. It’s a spiritual battlefield that we can see, but can certainly feel. It’s heavy and covered up with labels and emotions we often give.
Depressed, anxious, sad, moody, tired, doubtful, overwhelmed, lacking feeling ‘full’.
These are Satan to a T! This is what he stands for, it is not God. So when you are feeling these thoughts, and trust me, they can be often. So often that it feels like absolute torment. Please know that the enemy is with you in that moment, trying in every way to bring you right back down, so you won’t believe in yourself, your potential, or fulfill God’s purpose for you here on earth. The enemy watches you, learns you, knows what takes you down and exactly when. The enemy is smart to fool such people on earth because he is stuck here. God has already won the battle, it’s up to you to join Him or succumb to weakness.
In 2 Corinthians 12:7, Paul is speaking of his affliction from a ‘thorn in the flesh’ caused by a messenger of Satan that had a purpose of torment
As Apostle Paul prayed to God to stop the torment from Satan, God said no.
Why did God tell Paul no?
God knew this is what kept Paul humble, not becoming possibly conceited for the wisdom he now knows, and allowed Paul to stay close to Him. Leaning on Him, talking to Him, staying in prayer, fulfilling his life mission. God allows this torment from messengers of Satan for God’s own good purpose.
God already has a life planned here for you.
It’s up to you whose purpose you want to fill.
Either serve the enemy and become ignorant to the knowing of Our Lord Jesus Christ, battling consistent hardships, constant misery and never joining our Father in Heaven..
Repent to Our Lord Jesus Christ for the ignorance you’ve welcomed for so long and welcome faith back into your life. Repent for your sins and learn from them. Forgive because God has forgiven you. Knowing God has sovereign over every single thing here on earth and in Heaven and He will bless you wonderously in this life IF you truly believe in your heart that He is our God.
Read His Word every day and fulfill your purpose He has created you for here.
Today I sit here and stare into the tree line, knowing the Angels of the Lord will drive the enemy away from me and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. Lord, thank you.
I need to learn the enemy’s approach, his deceit and be cautious of him at every moment because just as God is with me every second of every day, evil is always standing nearby, lurking in the wind waiting to strike.
Hi kay thanks for a great story
You are Sunshine!!